Monday, March 3, 2014


Yesterday I was in a conversation and sensed that there were words of wisdom concerning a certain fear that if I could impart truths that I had learned from personal experience as I had I grappled with my own bondage to this type of fear and had struggled to reach a place of freedom from it clutches, I would be able to help this person find release; but I knew in my heart that if I shared, I would be met with resistance, so I refrained from sharing. 

Today I began reading in my Lenten book that I picked up yesterday at church.  I read the first devotion--my Ash Wednesday meditation.  I know that it is not yet Ash Wednesday, even though I am Pentecostal, I know that Ash Wednesday is on Wednesday—not Monday, but I am snowed in and hungry for a good meditation. The Lenten book is by Henri J.M. Nouwen, and is entitled, God’s Abiding Love.  The first line said, “In prayer we seek God’s voice and allow God’s word to penetrate our fear and resistance so that we can begin to hear what God wants us to know”. 

You see when we fail to deal with our fears and resist what God wants us to see and learn from the truth that He is revealing to us, we will be unable to hear what He wants us to know.  God will not share truth with us when He knows we are going to resist it.  He does not throw His pearls before us if it will only cause us to choke.  I am hungry for the pearls of truth and fresh revelations that God wants to share with me, so my intimacy with Him will be greater, so I am motivated to deal with my fears and stubborn resistance in order to partake in deeper fellowship with Him. 

If I can understand that by His grace and love, I can look into the scary mirror of my soul and see that my imperfections are covered by the blood of Jesus, then acknowledging my flaws doesn’t have to create insecurity, even when I am confronted with them in a way that makes me uncomfortable and I can begin to grow in faith.  His “grace my fears relieve”.   

I don’t want God to withhold special revelations of Himself to me because He will be met with resistance—Lord, humble me, help me submit to You as my loving and gracious Lord, fully trusting in You to order the affairs of my life.  May I love You more than anything and trust You with everything.




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